National parks bear the brunt of climate change

Human-caused climate change has exposed U.S. national parks to conditions hotter and drier than the rest of the nation, says a new UC Berkeley and University of Wisconsin-Madison study that quantifies for the first time the ...

Chemically peculiar star HR8844 could be a hybrid object

(—Astronomers from the Paris Observatory in Meudon, France and the Notre Dame University – Louaize in Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon, report that an A-type main-sequence star HR8844, could be a hybrid object between two ...

Haumea dwarf planet has a ring to it: study

Move over Saturn! Scientists have found a ring around an unassuming mini-planet in our Solar System to debunk the theory that only giant planets can be so adorned.

Saturn's moon Mimas, a snowplow in the planet's rings

The Solar System's second largest planet both in mass and size, Saturn is best known for its rings. These are divided by a wide band, the Cassini Division, whose formation was poorly understood until very recently. Now, researchers ...

Paris climate goals failure 'could cost world $600 tn'

Nations' failure to fulfil the promises they made in the Paris climate agreement to make drastic emissions cuts could cost the global economy as much as $600 trillion this century, new analysis showed Tuesday.

Governments vet crucial UN climate science report

Diplomats from nearly 200 nations and top climate scientists began a week-long huddle in Switzerland on Monday to distill nearly a decade of published science into a 20-odd-page warning about the existential danger of global ...

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