Putting the endoparasitic plants Apodanthaceae on the map

The Apodanthaceae are small parasitic plants living almost entirely inside other plants. They occur in Africa, Iran, Australia, and the New World. Bellot and Renner propose the first revision of the species relationships ...

Bizarre parasite may provide cuttlefish clues

(Phys.org) —University of Adelaide research into parasites of giant Australian cuttlefish, and other related species, has uncovered details of the parasites' astonishing life cycles, and shown how they may help in investigating ...

Demon shrimp threaten British species

A species of shrimp, dubbed the 'demon shrimp,' which was previously unknown in British waters, are attacking and eating native shrimp and disrupting the food chain in some of our rivers and lakes. The problem is contributing ...

Smaller islands host shorter food chains

That smaller islands will typically sustain fewer species than large ones is a widespread pattern in nature. Now a team of researchers shows that smaller area will mean not only fewer species, but also shorter food chains. ...

West African bats—no safe haven for malaria parasites

In Europe, bats are normally discussed in the context of endangered species threatened by loss of their habitats. However, in recent years, bats have caught the eye of infection biologists. The animals are namely hosts to ...

Protecting our pollinators

Bees, so crucial to our food supply, are dying off at alarming rates. CALS researchers are taking a close look at everything from the microbes in their hives to the landscapes they live in to identify in what conditions bees ...

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