Invasive brood parasites a threat to native bird species

North Americans might be seeing new species of birds in certain areas of the continent in the near future. According to research conducted by a psychology professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and his co-authors, ...

A "one-stop shop" for wasp identity information

Determining the identity of parasitic wasps—some measuring less than a millimeter long—can be a time-consuming process that includes comparing their features to descriptions in published works and disparate specimen collections. ...

Rescued turtles turn up new parasite

A wild turtle, left tethered to a stake through a hole stabbed into her neck, is one of five rescued western long-necked turtles (Chelodina colliei) subsequently found to host an entirely new species of Eimeria parasite.

Worm pheromones trigger plant defenses, study finds

Plants can sense parasitic roundworms in the soil by picking up on their chemical signals, a team of researchers at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (BTI), on the Cornell University campus, has found.

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