Researchers tackle next-generation climate models

Tornadoes, twisting winds that descend from thunderheads, and derechos, winds that race ahead of a straight line of storms, are just two varieties of extreme weather events whose frequency and violence are on the increase. ...

Space shuttle pauses on trip to LA museum

(AP)—At its prime, the space shuttle Endeavour circled the globe at 17,500 mph (28,160 million kph), faster than a speeding bullet.

Finding faults: evidence of past earthquakes

(—Delaware Geological Survey (DGS) scientists have uncovered hard proof of faults in northern Delaware, indicating the occurrence of earthquakes millions of years ago.

Twitter explains new mystery outage

A freak double failure in its data centers took Twitter down for around an hour Thursday, leaving millions without updates from friends, celebrities and news providers a day ahead of the Olympics.

Researcher tests performance of diverse HPC architectures

Surveying the wide range of parallel system architectures offered in the supercomputer market, an Ohio State University researcher recently sought to establish some side-by-side performance comparisons.

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