MIT researchers test automatic parallel parking (w/ Video)

Any driver knows it can be hard to remain calm behind the wheel. But perhaps high-tech tools can help. A new study by MIT researchers, announced Thursday, suggests that driver-assistance technologies lower the amount of stress ...

New automated tool 'debugs' nuclear weapon simulations

Purdue University researchers, working with high-performance computing experts at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, have created an automated program to "debug" simulations used to more efficiently certify the nation's ...

Research team 'virtualizes' supercomputer

A collaboration between researchers at Northwestern University, Sandia National Labs and the University of New Mexico has resulted in the largest-scale study ever done on what many consider an important part of the future ...

Scientist creates formula for perfect parking

( -- Forget roasting a textbook turkey or perfect present-wrapping this month. The real test of Britons’ mettle will come as we try to park in tight spots on busy roads, with 35 million of us heading to the ...

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