E Ink isn't just for e-readers any more

E-readers may be passe, but you could soon see the black-and-white, easy-to-read screens that helped make them a big hit in a lot more places and products.

Google eBooks reader to debut in US

The first electronic book reader designed to tap into Google's vast online library will debut in the United States on Sunday.

Peeling stickers may lead to stretchable electronics

A study of stickers peeling from windows could lead to a new way to precisely control the fabrication of stretchable electronics, according to a team of researchers including one at MIT.

The smell of old books could help preserve them

Old books give off a complex mélange of odors, ranging from pleasant (almonds, caramel and chocolate) to nasty (formaldehyde, old clothes and trash). Detecting early signs of paper degradation could help guide preservation ...

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