Chinese boat damaged Philippine reef

A Chinese fishing vessel that crashed into one of the Philippines' most famous reefs damaged almost 4,000 square metres of centuries-old coral, the marine park said on Saturday.

Protected pangolins seized from Philippine boat

Philippine authorities have seized 23 protected scaly anteaters found hidden in a cargo boat, in the second case of suspected trafficking of the species in a month, officials said.

Endangered pangolins found on Chinese poacher boat

The Philippine coast guard said Monday it had found hundreds of frozen scaly anteaters, or pangolins, in the cargo hold of a Chinese boat that ran aground in a protected marine sanctuary last week.

Indonesia seizes 85 endangered pangolins

Indonesian police have intercepted 85 endangered pangolins, most of them alive despite being stuffed into sacks by suspected smugglers, an official said Tuesday.

Philippines seizes butchered pangolins

Philippine wildlife authorities seized a huge shipment of meat and scales from up to a hundred slaughtered pangolins, also known as scaly anteaters, officials said on Friday.

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