Spotty record for Chinese exec with canal dream

When President Daniel Ortega granted a Chinese telecommunications executive exclusive rights to develop a $40 billion canal through Nicaragua and operate it for 100 years, his administration touted the CEO's record of success ...

China businessman assures Nicaragua canal success

The Chinese businessman hired to plan and perhaps build a Nicaraguan rival to the Panama Canal said the ambitious project is backed by experienced consultants and is not a joke, turning away skepticism that he can deliver ...

Environmentalists warn of Nicaragua canal disaster

A proposed Nicaraguan waterway rivaling the Panama Canal would cause an environmental disaster threatening drinking water supplies and fragile ecosystems, conservationists said.

Alligator relatives slipped across ancient seaways

The uplift of the Isthmus of Panama 2.6 million years ago formed a land-bridge that has long thought to be the crucial step in the interchange of animals between the Americas, including armadillos and giant sloths moving ...

Tsunami sensor detects mysterious background signal in Panama

An unusual signal detected by the seismic monitoring station at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute's research facility on Barro Colorado Island results from waves in Lake Gatun, the reservoir that forms the Panama ...

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