NASA image: Fires in Papua, Indonesia and New Guinea

According to a NASA story from 2009, "human activities in this area of the world have contributed to the growing fire emissions issue. Palm oil is increasingly grown for use as a cooking oil and biofuel, while also replacing ...

Indonesia fires spark Singapore, Malaysia haze warning

Indonesia's disaster agency warned Wednesday that neighbouring Singapore and Malaysia could be hit by more choking smog, after a huge jump in forest fires in a province at the centre of an air pollution crisis last year.

Making progress on deforestation

In 2005, Brazil was losing more forest each year than any other country. The good news is that today, Brazil has reduced deforestation in the Amazon rainforest by 70 percent, according to a recent study. By not cutting down ...

Indonesian team hunts firebugs in haze-hit province

An Indonesian province hit by a haze outbreak has formed a team of more than 500 to hunt down people who started forest fires after the president demanded action, a report said Monday.

Northern Sumatra dealing with smoke from fires

On February 27, 2014, the Wall Street Journal and Southeast Asia Realtime reported that: "the plantation-rich province of Riau on Indonesia's Sumatra Island has declared a state of emergency as fires set for land clearing ...

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