Reduced ecosystem functions in oil palm plantations

So far, research on the environmental impact of oil palm cultivation has been scattered and patchy. Synthesizing about 1000 scientific studies and reports, the scientists were now able to give a balanced report on the changes ...

Can palm oil be sustainable?

Land used for palm oil production could be nearly doubled without expanding into protected or high-biodiversity forests, according to a new study published in the journal Global Environmental Change. The study is the first ...

Novel polymeric materials from palm oil derivatives

Palm oil is not a polymer; but through chemical reactions it can be converted to intermediates with different functional groups that could interact with other monomers, either through condensation reactions or free radical ...

Carbon cycling in the peat swamp forests of Borneo

Imagine a two-hour boat ride through the dark waters of the Mendaram River, a humid hike through flooded forest floors, and weeklong camp outs without Internet or phone access.

Africa's forests menaced by palm oil rush: NGO

Africa's tropical forests are threatened by a palm oil bonanza that has already razed millions of old-growth hectares in Southeast Asia, Greenpeace France warned Tuesday.

How oil palm affects bird habitat in Mexico

A bird's home is bigger than its nest. Across the Americas, birds and their home habitat reveal much about the health of other species, the health of ecosystems and perhaps even the socio-economic wellbeing of local human ...

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