Related topics: dinosaurs · fossil

Fossils unearthed at California construction site

Giant teeth from a 40-foot (12-meter)-long shark and portions of what could turn out to be an entire whale skeleton are among the hundreds of fossils being carefully unearthed at a dam construction site in California's Silicon ...

Chechnya claims world's largest dinosaur eggs

A university in Russia's Chechnya claimed on Tuesday to have found an unprecedented stash of giant fossilised dinosaur eggs in a remote mountainous area of the North Caucasus region.

Prehistoric bird used club-like wings as weapon

Long before the knights of medieval Europe wielded flails or martial artists brandished nunchucks, it appears that a flightless prehistoric bird used its own wings as a similar type of weapon in combat.

New fanged dwarf dinosaur from southern Africa, ate plants

With tiny 1-inch long jaws, a new species of plant-eater has come to light in rocks in southern Africa dating to the early dinosaur era, some 200 million years ago. This "punk-sized" herbivore is one of a menagerie of bizarre, ...

The first neotropical rainforest was home of the Titanoboa

Smithsonian researchers working in Colombia's Cerrejón coal mine have unearthed the first megafossil evidence of a neotropical rainforest. Titanoboa, the world's biggest snake, lived in this forest 58 million years ...

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