Related topics: dinosaurs

3D printing applied to evolutionary relationships and biology

When you think 3D you probably imagine the cinema and popcorn, or that fancy TV you've just blown the kids' university fees on. What you probably don't think – unless you're a particular breed of palaeontologist – is ...

First python fossil unearthed in Germany

The fossil of a python dating from about 15 million years ago has been discovered in southern Germany, first time proof that the reptile lived so far north, German palaeontologists said Monday.

Fires and floods key to dinosaur island secrets

Fires and floods which raged across the Isle of Wight some 130 million years ago made the island the richest source of pick ’n’ mix dinosaur remains of this age anywhere in the world.

Story of 4.5 million-year-old whale unveiled in Huelva

In 2006, a team of Spanish and American researchers found the fossil remains of a whale, 4.5 million years old, in Bonares, Huelva. Now they have published, for the first time, the results of the decay and fossilisation process ...

Possible dinosaur burrows clues to survival strategies

Internationally renowned palaeontologist and Monash University Honorary Research Associate, Dr Anthony Martin has found evidence of a dinosaur burrow along the coast of Victoria, which helps to explain how dinosaurs protected ...

From fins to limbs

Tonight Cambridge vertebrate palaeontologist Professor Jenny Clack is the subject of BBC Four’s Beautiful Minds series. The programme looks at her contribution to our understanding of early tetrapods - the first four-legged ...

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