Related topics: dinosaurs

3D printing applied to evolutionary relationships and biology

When you think 3D you probably imagine the cinema and popcorn, or that fancy TV you've just blown the kids' university fees on. What you probably don't think – unless you're a particular breed of palaeontologist – is ...

Dino footprints enter record books

French researchers on Tuesday said they had uncovered the biggest dinosaur footprints in the world, left by giant sauropods that may have weighed 40 tonnes or more.

Bird ancestor reclaims its branch on tree of life

Venerated for 150 years as the forebear of all birds until being relegated two years ago to the common class of winged dinosaurs, the Archaeopteryx was restored to its hallowed branch on the tree of life on Wednesday.

20 million year-old dwarf koala named after Dick Smith

( —A newly discovered extinct species of koala that lived in the rainforest canopies of northern Australia about 20 million years ago has been named after a famous Australian – Dick Smith.

Fossil find gives hope for animal life in 'lost cities'

( -- The world's oceans could be littered with thousands of undiscovered 'lost cities' housing communities of creatures that thrive in some of the Earth's most extreme conditions, a new discovery suggests.

X-rays reveal new picture of 'dinobird' plumage patterns

( —The findings came from X-ray experiments by a team from The University of Manchester, working with colleagues at the US Department of Energy's (DOE) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The scientists were ...

First python fossil unearthed in Germany

The fossil of a python dating from about 15 million years ago has been discovered in southern Germany, first time proof that the reptile lived so far north, German palaeontologists said Monday.

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