Pakistan tightens cellphone control after Taliban massacre

(AP)—Almost every Pakistani citizen has a cellphone, but from now on, Big Brother is checking to make sure their name, number and fingerprints are on record. The measures are meant to tighten control of cellphones and avert ...

Study reveals scale of water crisis in areas of Pakistan

Currently, one in nine people across the world lack access to safe water, and an estimated 842 000 people die every year from a water-related disease. It's not just about health and hygiene – all aspects of social and economic ...

CERN nuclear physics lab admits Pakistan

The world's top particle physics lab has admitted Pakistan as an associate member, a year after Israel was voted in as a full member.

India, Pakistan agree: emotional Google ad a hit

(AP)—An emotional advertisement for Google's search engine has become a hit in India and Pakistan by surprisingly invoking a searing and traumatic period in the shared history of the South Asian archrivals. Officially debuting ...

Pakistan's Sindh to block Skype, WhatsApp

Pakistan's southern Sindh province will block access to online communication networks including Skype and WhatsApp for three months in a bid to curb terrorism, officials said Thursday.

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