Solar-powered irrigation systems in Pakistan

Beginning with the Green Revolution of the 1960's, Pakistan has made remarkable strides in feeding a population that today is quickly approaching the 200 million mark, making it the fifth-largest nation in the world. Despite ...

Critically endangered turtle makes surprise appearance

A hawksbill sea turtle has been recorded for the first time in the waters of Pakistan. The turtle was found entangled in a net by local fishermen and was later confirmed to be a hawksbill by WWF-Pakistan.

Calling in sick, from America to Zimbabwe

Susan is a highly productive employee but is absent more often than her co-workers. She has decided to take a me-day because she believes that her absence will not affect her overall productivity.

Pakistan adopts Chinese rival GPS satellite system

Pakistan is set to become the fifth Asian country to use China's domestic satellite navigation system which was launched as a rival to the US global positioning system, a report said Saturday.

Carbon efficiency failing to fight warming: study

A surge in carbon emissions from power demand in the developing world is overwhelming progress by nations including China and the United States in improving efficiency, new research shows.

India's air the worst, says annual study

India has the worst air quality in the world, poorer even than its neighbour China, according to an annual survey based at Yale and Columbia universities in the United States.

Pakistan scans Google, other sites for blasphemy

(AP) -- Pakistan will monitor seven major websites, including Google and Yahoo, to block anti-Islamic links and content, an official said Friday. Seventeen lesser-known sites are being blocked outright for alleged blasphemous ...

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