To dam or not to dam? Pakistan experts ponder flood strategy

Energy-starved Pakistan relies on a multitude of dams and barrages to prevent Himalayan rivers from flooding and help meet its power needs, but their failure to prevent disaster four years running is making some experts question ...

Pakistani Kashmir turns to water to solve power crisis

As Pakistan grapples with a crippling energy crisis, people in one corner of Kashmir have taken matters into their own hands, using small-scale turbines to generate electricity from streams and rivers.

Solar-powered irrigation systems in Pakistan

Beginning with the Green Revolution of the 1960's, Pakistan has made remarkable strides in feeding a population that today is quickly approaching the 200 million mark, making it the fifth-largest nation in the world. Despite ...

Critically endangered turtle makes surprise appearance

A hawksbill sea turtle has been recorded for the first time in the waters of Pakistan. The turtle was found entangled in a net by local fishermen and was later confirmed to be a hawksbill by WWF-Pakistan.

India, Pakistan agree: emotional Google ad a hit

(AP)—An emotional advertisement for Google's search engine has become a hit in India and Pakistan by surprisingly invoking a searing and traumatic period in the shared history of the South Asian archrivals. Officially debuting ...

Calling in sick, from America to Zimbabwe

Susan is a highly productive employee but is absent more often than her co-workers. She has decided to take a me-day because she believes that her absence will not affect her overall productivity.

Pakistan's Sindh to block Skype, WhatsApp

Pakistan's southern Sindh province will block access to online communication networks including Skype and WhatsApp for three months in a bid to curb terrorism, officials said Thursday.

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