Getting people interested in invasive species

Blacklists are one of the most common policy measures to limit biological invasions. They identify small groups of highly impactful invasive alien species: species introduced outside their native range that threaten biodiversity. ...

Scientists study cause of endangered whale calf's death

The National Park Service says scientists are trying to discover the cause of death of a whale calf belonging to "one of the rarest marine mammals" on earth after it was found stranded on a beach on North Carolina's Outer ...

COVID-19 a 'perfect storm' for organ trafficking victims

As global job losses mount due to the COVID-19 pandemic, desperate people are seeking new ways to make money via social media, and evidence points to a resulting deadly surge in illicit organ trafficking.

Social media postings linked to hate crimes

A new paper in the Journal of the European Economic Association, published by Oxford University Press, explores the connection between social media and hate crimes. The researchers combined methods from applied microeconomics ...

Reptiles vulnerable to unscrupulous pet trading: study

More than a third of reptile species are bought and sold online in often-unregulated international trade, researchers said Tuesday, warning of the impact on wild populations of a pet market that puts a bounty on rare and ...

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