New round of documents aired in Viacom-Google case

(AP) -- Before it bought online video service YouTube, employees of Google Inc. believed YouTube's business was risky because it relied on pirated content and recommended pursuing a different strategy, newly released documents ...

Google funds new research to help blind web surfers

( -- New research by University of Manchester scientists that could help blind people find their way around the World Wide Web has been given a boost with a £50,000 grant from Google.

Google CEO's compensation for 2009 falls 52 pct

(AP) -- The total compensation of Google Inc. CEO Eric Schmidt fell 52 percent last year as the Internet search leader cut back on its employee perquisites to help lift its profits during the recession.

Hip websites need hard facts to thrive

Mixed in with technology innovations at South By South West (SXSW) were reminders that real-world performance facts are vital to thriving on an increasingly crowded Internet.

Twitter meshes into websites with @Anywhere

Twitter on Monday began letting its hot microblogging service be integrated into websites such as YouTube and Microsoft's Bing with a new "@Anywhere" feature.

Google PageRank-like algorithm dates back to 1941

( -- When Sergey Brin and Larry Page developed their PageRank algorithm for ranking webpages in 1998, they certainly knew that the seeds of the algorithm had been sown long before that time, as is evident from ...

Research: Facebook fan pages are effective marketing tool

Companies that use the popular social-media site Facebook and its fan page module to market themselves to customers can increase sales, word-of-mouth marketing and customer loyalty significantly among a subset of their customers, ...

Google co-founders to sell $5.5B combined in stock

(AP) -- Google Inc. co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin are relinquishing some of their control over the Internet search leader with the sale of 10 million shares worth $5.5 billion at current prices.

Google's decision on China traces back to founders

(AP) -- Google Inc. co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page have always said they put their principles before profit, even to the point of using their control of the company to take a stand.

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