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Slovenia freezes ACTA ratification

Slovenia's centre-right government on Thursday froze the ratification of the controversial anti-online piracy pact ACTA until the European Union reaches a common position on the issue.

Climate goal may spell end for some coral reefs

(AP) -- The once-vibrant coral reef shielding these sun-soaked beaches from the wrath of the sea is withering away under the stress of pollution and warmer water.

UN climate talks shuffle to a close in Bonn

Concern was high at a perceived lack of urgency as UN climate negotiations shuffled towards a close in Bonn on Saturday with just 14 months left to finalise a new, global pact.

Aim for carbon-neutral 2050, 'Elders' group says

A panel of senior statesmen known as the Elders on Friday called for renewed efforts to conclude a world climate pact by the end of 2015 and appealed for a "carbon-neutral" planet by 2050.

UN panel in final push for new climate report

Scientists and governments pored over the summary Thursday of an eagerly awaited UN report expected to emphasise the escalating threat from climate change.

Poland out of step with Europe on climate

(AP) -- Frustrations with Poland are growing in the European Union after the coal-powered nation for a second time blocked the EU's long-term plans for cutting carbon emissions.

Philippines to ratify climate pact

The Philippines will ratify a global pact aimed at taming climate change, President Rodrigo Duterte said Monday, reversing his opposition to the historic United Nations agreement he previously dubbed "crazy".

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