Surrogate sushi: Japan biotech for bluefin tuna

Of all the overfished fish in the seas, luscious, fatty bluefin tuna are among the most threatened. Marine scientist Goro Yamazaki, who is known in this seaside community as "Young Mr. Fish," is working to ensure the species ...

Chicken of the sea? Tuna farming getting a boost

(AP) -- Thousands of tuna, their silver bellies bloated with fat, swim frantically around in netted areas of a small bay, stuffing themselves until they grow twice as heavy as in the wild. Is this sushi's future? Tuna raised ...

Pacific tuna meet fails to agree on cutbacks

Pacific island states and countries failed on Friday to strike a deal to protect shrinking supplies of tuna and adopt cutbacks following a regional conference, officials said, sparking condemnation from conservationists.

Japan sushi boss pays $117,000 for endangered tuna

A Japanese sushi boss paid more than $117,000 Tuesday for a giant bluefin tuna as Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market held its last New Year auction ahead of a much-needed modernisation move.

Stock recovery plan for Pacific Bluefin tuna urgently needed

Members of the Northern Committee (NC) of the Western and Central Pacific Fishery Commission (WCPFC) meeting on Monday next week urgently need to commit to a rigorous recovery plan to address the collapse of Pacific Bluefin ...

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