Related topics: air pollution

What you should know about air quality alerts

"It's a code red day for ozone." If you hear this on your local news, what does it mean? Are you at risk? Do you know what to do? An air quality alert like this informs the public about pollution levels in the air and advises ...

US gains in air quality are slowing down

After decades of progress in cleaning up air quality, U.S. improvements for two key air pollutants have slowed significantly in recent years, new research concludes. The unexpected finding indicates that it may be more difficult ...

Why ozone poses a challenge to food security

Ozone is a well-known and interesting gas. It is thought of as a "good" gas when present in the stratosphere, where it forms the ozone layer sitting 15 to 30 kilometres above Earth that protect life from detrimental ultraviolet ...

Climate change may be hazardous to your health

Doctors around the country are already seeing evidence that climate change is affecting the health of their patients. In Florida, people are asking for more medication; as heat waves aggravate their medical conditions, such ...

Powerful new dataset reveals patterns of global ozone pollution

Although ozone pollution is dropping across many parts of the United States, western Europe and Japan, many people living in those countries still experience more than a dozen days every year in which levels of the lung irritant ...

Oil and gas emissions a major contributor to bad ozone days

On certain days in 2014, oil and gas emissions made a big contribution to high summertime ozone levels in northeastern Colorado, according a new study led by CIRES and NOAA researchers. High concentrations of summertime ozone ...

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