Airborne measurements confirm leaks from oil and gas operations

During two days of intensive airborne measurements, oil and gas operations in Colorado's Front Range leaked nearly three times as much methane, a greenhouse gas, as predicted based on inventory estimates, and seven times ...

New sensor improves the level of efficiency in detecting ozone

Researchers from the Universitat Jaume I in Castelló, the São Paulo State University in Brasil and the Aix-Marseille University in France have developed a more effective ozone sensor than the ones used so far. The new sensor ...

Disinfecting honey comb with ozone

Sometimes even honey bees need help with "housekeeping," especially when it comes to cleaning their honeycombs once the honey's been removed. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) research has shown that fumigating honeycombs ...

Pacific flights create most amount of ozone

The amount of ozone created from aircraft pollution is highest from flights leaving and entering Australia and New Zealand, a new study has shown.

Calculate your nitrogen footprint

Carbon footprints are a familiar way to assess how green your lifestyle is, but now you can also measure your nitrogen footprint using a new tool, the N-Calculator.

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