Migrating animals add new depth to how the ocean 'breathes'

The oxygen content of the ocean may be subject to frequent ups and downs in a very literal sense—that is, in the form of the numerous sea creatures that dine near the surface at night then submerge into the safety of deeper, ...

Climate change threatens marine environment in the Baltic Sea

At the end of the 21st century, the temperature in the Baltic Sea will be higher and the salt content lower than at any time since 1850. If no action is taken to alleviate the effects of climate change, there may be major ...

Global warming harms lakes: study

Global warming also affects lakes. Based on the example of Lake Zurich, researchers from the University of Zurich demonstrate that there is insufficient water turnover in the lake during the winter and harmful Burgundy blood ...

Microbiologists can now measure extremely slow life

Microbiologists at Aarhus University (Denmark) have developed a new method for measuring the very slow metabolism of bacteria deep down in the seabed. The results can provide knowledge about the global carbon cycle and its ...

Robotic boats to travel across Pacific Ocean

(PhysOrg.com) -- Last Thursday, November 17, four unmanned Wave Gliders left the coast of San Francisco and began a 300-day journey across the Pacific Ocean. The vehicles, which are self-propelled and remotely piloted, will ...

Reefs recovered faster after mass extinction than first thought

Metazoan-dominated reefs only took 1.5 million years to recover after the largest species extinction 252 million years ago, an international research team including paleontologists from the University of Zurich has established ...

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