Surface chemistry reveals corrosive secrets

One can easily see with the naked eye that leaving an old nail out in the rain causes rust. What does require the keen eyes and sensitive nose of microscopy and spectroscopy is observing how iron corrodes and forms new minerals, ...

Protein linked to oxidative stress and related diseases

Scientists at Monash University's Biomedicine Discovery Institute (BDI) have discovered a new role for a known protein in oxidative stress, which is linked to diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, diabetes, cardiovascular ...

Controlling thin films with atomic 'spray painting'

Without thin films, there would be no modern electronics or high-quality mirrors. The semiconductor chips used in our cell phones and computers rely on thin films made of different materials, including metal oxides that contain ...

Team develops sensitive new way of detecting transistor defects

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and collaborators have devised and tested a new, highly sensitive method of detecting and counting defects in transistors—a matter of urgent concern ...

Exploring a unique material with tunable properties

If you're old enough, you may still have a box of cassette or VHS tapes lying around. These storage devices were popular in the 1970s and 80s, but have since fallen into disuse, replaced by CDs and other digital media.

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