Study reveals mechanisms of crystal nucleation in glass-ceramics

A research team consisting of NIMS, AGC Inc., and JASRI has observed partial crystallization of a glass—an initial stage in its transformation into a stronger, more heat resistant glass-ceramic. The study is published in ...

3D shape reconfiguration of stretchable electronics

Azobenzene functionalized liquid crystalline polymers are considered "smart" materials owing to their programmable shape transformations under various external stimuli (i.e., thermal, chemical, and photomechanical shape morphing). ...

Process for making ductile glass discovered

If you've ever dropped your smartphone on a concrete floor, you know that dreaded feeling as you turn it over to see how badly the screen has cracked—but that stress may soon be a thing of the past. Researchers at Rensselaer ...

New family of glass good for lenses

A new composition of germanosilicate glass created by adding zinc oxide has properties good for lens applications, according to Penn State researchers. This marks the discovery of a novel glass family.

Automatically darkening windows in a wide range of colors

Electrochromic glass darkens automatically when the sun shines and keeps the heat out. Previously it was available only in blue, and switching times were also long. Now, a new process makes it possible to manufacture other ...

Nanowalls for smartphones

Researchers at ETH Zurich have manufactured transparent electrodes for use in touchscreens using a novel nanoprinting process. The new electrodes are some of the most transparent and conductive that have ever been developed.

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