Zoetis launching new doggy med for noise-related anxiety

Fido and Spot may not have to cower under the bed this summer when fireworks and thunderstorms hit, thanks to the first prescription veterinary medicine for treating anxiety over loud noises—a widespread problem that causes ...

Why do cats and dogs get 'the zoomies'?

Does your cat or dog suddenly get a burst of energy and perform athletic feats around the house that would make even a gold medalist jealous? Welcome to the world of zoomies.

Explaining coprophagy – why do dogs eat their own poo?

Dogs are scavengers. As many dog owners know to their cost, dogs often have a penchant for things that we find less than palatable. If it's not counter or table surfing, it might be raiding the kitchen rubbish bin or snacking ...

What dog owners should know about leptospirosis

Emmanuelle Butty, med.vet., DACVIM (SAIM), assistant clinical professor at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, sometimes treats dogs with leptospirosis, an infection that can lead to kidney failure and even death.

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