Regular dusting bolsters solar panel performance

Perth residents who are the proud custodians of solar panels could boost the amount of power that the arrays produce over an extended period of time by simply removing dust particles from the panels.

Wind farms perform best when the sun is out

When set up in groups, wind turbines in the front rows cast a wind shadow on those behind them, lowering their performance. These effects dissipate fastest under convective conditions, say EPFL researchers in a recent publication.

Researchers discover new material to produce clean energy

Researchers at the University of Houston have created a new thermoelectric material, intended to generate electric power from waste heat - from a vehicle tailpipe, for example, or an industrial smokestack - with greater efficiency ...

How effective are we in tackling water security?

A new paper published in Science has examined how regions around the world are coping with variable and unpredictable freshwater resources caused through drought or floods, and how this affects economic output.

Precise and programmable biological circuits

A team led by ETH professor Yaakov Benenson has developed several new components for biological circuits. These components are key building blocks for constructing precisely functioning and programmable bio-computers.

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