Editing a snake genome to stop production of dorsal scales

A team of geneticists and evolutionary specialists at the University of Geneva working with a colleague from the University of Zurich report that the hexagonal patterns seen on the backs and sides of some snakes are not self-organizing. ...

Twisted-wing parasites feel no pain

Reproduction in the insect order Strepsiptera—also known as twisted-wing parasites—is not for the fainthearted. To inseminate the eggs of its partner, the male partner injures the "neck" of the female with its hook-shaped ...

Researchers discover species-recognition system in fruit flies

A team led by UC San Francisco researchers has discovered a sensory system in the foreleg of the fruit fly that tells male flies whether a potential mate is from a different species. The work addresses a central problem in ...

Cell discovery opens new chapter in drug development

Scientists have uncovered new details about how the cells in our bodies communicate with each other and their environment: findings that are of fundamental importance to human biology.

Why is skin thick on the soles of the feet?

A team of Hokkaido University researchers has established a method for capturing live, three-dimensional, high-resolution images deep within the skin of living mice, casting light on the precise manner in which cells divide ...

Critical zone, critical research

The Earth's critical zone isn't called critical for nothing. Known as our planet's outer skin, it is essential for human survival.