Juice's odyssey of exploration: Jupiter's icy moons

A grand odyssey of exploration is about to begin. Humankind's next bold mission to the outer solar system, ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, Juice, is poised to explore giant planet Jupiter and its largest moons. These intriguing ...

The solar system is stable for at least the next 100,000 years

It's nice to have a feel-good story every once in a while, so here's one to hold off the existential dread: the Earth isn't likely to get flung off into deep space for at least 100,000 years. In fact, all of the solar system's ...

Unique solar system views from NASA sun-studying missions

Though they focus on the star at the center of our solar system, three of NASA's Sun-watching spacecraft have captured unique views of the planets throughout the last several months. Using instruments that look not at the ...

The implications of signs of life on Venus?

The planet Venus has arguably remained less captivating than, say, the legendary tennis star or, for that matter, the women's razor blade company—both of those Venuses have at least enjoyed ample airtime on cable TV.

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