Japan Nobel laureate gets washing machine as gift

Japan's Shinya Yamanaka may have won $1.2 million along with British researcher John Gurdon when the two were awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine earlier this month, but now he is also getting a new washing machine.

Hungarian wins top mathematics prize

Hungarian Endre Szemeredi has won the Abel prize, considered to be the "Nobel" for mathematics, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters announced on Wednesday.

From food waste to bus fuel and biofertilizer

Banana peel, coffee grounds and other food waste will be transformed into green fuel for Oslo’s city buses starting next year. The Norwegian capital’s new biogas plant will also supply nutrient-rich biofertilizer ...

Coming to terms with terror

How will the terrorist attacks in Norway on 22 July change the country? That question has been put to three social scientists at the University of Stavanger (UiS).

City buses turn to sewage for 'clean' fuel

Can the key to "clean" energy be found down in the sewer? That's the idea in Oslo, where city officials soon plan to introduce buses that run on biofuels extracted from human waste.

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