Scientists see spins in a 2D magnet

All magnets—from the simple souvenirs hanging on your refrigerator to the disks that give your computer memory to the powerful versions used in research labs—contain spinning quasiparticles called magnons. The direction ...

Glacier melting on Kamchatka contributed to sea rise

Scientists have quantified the glacier mass loss on the Kamchatka Peninsula; the accelerated loss in the region since the turn of the millennium is likely to increase in the short term.

The rings of Uranus and Neptune could help map their interiors

Mapping the interior of the ice giants is difficult, to say the least. Not only are they far away and therefore harder to observe, but their constant ice cover makes it extremely hard to detect what lies underneath. So scientists ...

Coherent oscillation between phonons and magnons

Two different waves with the same frequency and wavelengths can be coupled, so that the amplitude alternates periodically between the two to form a phenomenon known as a coherent beating oscillation. The process can be observed ...

Weather's unwanted guest: Nasty La Nina keeps popping up

Something weird is up with La Nina, the natural but potent weather event linked to more drought and wildfires in the western United States and more Atlantic hurricanes. It's becoming the nation's unwanted weather guest and ...

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