Oceanlinx celebrates wave-power unit launch in Australia

(Phys.org) —Oceans carry enough potential energy to make a difference. The devil is in the details. Finding a way to harness all that power had prevented wave power from being seen as a practical solution but now technologists ...

Meet the cost-efficient wave turbine

Marmok-5, a new device using wave-powered turbines to generate up to 30kW of electricity, has recently been deployed at the BiMEP site, on the northern coast of Spain. The device produces enough energy to run a medium-sized ...

Boost for wave energy: half the Wave Hub berths now filled

Two of the four berths at an EU-funded grid-connected offshore marine-energy test site have now been filled. Wave Hub, located off the Cornish coast in the United Kingdom, is the largest test site of its type in the world. ...

Optimum use of wave energy using oscillating water column system

Engineers Modesto Amundarain and Mikel Alberdi have presented the first two PhD theses at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU, Spain) on the use of oscillating water column (OWC) converters for extracting renewable ...