Genetically modified anthocyanin-expressing citrus developed

Anthocyanins, pigments that give plants their red, blue, or purple hues, are not typically produced in citrus fruits grown under tropical or subtropical conditions. Now, scientists have genetically engineered a lime that ...

New resource to help manage the invasive spotted lanternfly

The invasive spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) was detected last year in Pennsylvania, but entomologists are already warning farmers and growers as far away as California to be prepared for its arrival. In fact, they ...

Dig offers clues about Guam's ancient residents

Recent studies at an ancient burial site on Tumon Bay is giving archaeologists more insight into the jewelry and ornaments worn by Guam's ancient residents.

Don't farm on me: Northern Europeans to Neolithic interlopers

Northern Europeans in the Neolithic period initially rejected the practice of farming, which was otherwise spreading throughout the continent, a team of researchers has found. Their findings offer a new wrinkle in the history ...

Regulating poinsettia's height

The height and size of ornamental plants such as poinsettia are important concerns for producers. Plant height is crucial both aesthetically and in regards to postharvest handling. To produce plants that meet desired heights, ...

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