Roots meshed in waste materials could clean dirty water

Plant roots enmeshed in layers of discarded materials inside upright pipes can purify dirty water from a washing machine, making it fit for growing vegetables and flushing toilets, according to Penn State horticulturists.

Plumage-color traits more extreme over time

Ever since Darwin, researchers have tried to explain the enormous diversity of plumage colour traits in birds. Now researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, are adding something new to this particular field of ...

Controls for animals' color designs revealed

The vivid colors and designs animals use to interact with their environments have awed and inspired since before people learned to draw on the cave wall.

St. John's wort collection mined for its medicinal value

A unique collection of St. John's wort (Hypericum) curated by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in Ames, Iowa, is providing university collaborators with genetically diverse, well-documented sources of this herb ...

The future of organic ornamental plants

Whether plants are grown for food or ornamental use, conventional agricultural production methods have the same environmental impact. Pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers can find their way into the air and groundwater, ...

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