Young people need more support coping with online sexual harm

Digital technologies and the internet have become a part of daily life for many young people in Canada and worldwide. While that increased connectivity brings many benefits, it can also open youth up to online harm and abuse. ...

Study examines women's strategic concealment of LGBTQ+ affinity

At a time when LGBTQ+ rights are increasingly the subject of public discussion, it is important to consider the effect on those who share an affinity with that community. Rensselaer researchers Billur Aksoy and Ian Chadd ...

Evaluating climate reasoning, prior beliefs and partisanship

A popular explanation for climate denialism is that humans will adopt beliefs that accord with their political orientation, using their cognitive abilities to explain away identity-inconsistent information in a process called ...

Solving the mystery behind how nutrients enter cells

For the nutrients that feed our cells to reach their destination, proteins embedded in the cell membrane often must shuttle what's needed across the threshold. When this system breaks down and metabolites fail to reach their ...

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