Wasted bird feathers turned into food

Every year, millions of tons of bird feathers from slaughterhouses are wasted. In the future, we can instead perhaps make use of the protein in the feathers and eat them. Researchers in biotechnology at Lund University in ...

Poo power no longer just a pipe dream

Sewage treatment uses huge amounts of energy, accounting for up to 20 per cent of total electricity consumption in some cities – but what if that waste could be turned back into power?

Groundwater Cleanup at Superfund Site

(PhysOrg.com) -- A chain of chemical reactions between organic waste and naturally occurring chromium appears to explain the long-standing elevated levels of the chemical chromium-6, a human carcinogen, in groundwater at ...

Measuring the stability of organic waste

The number of waste treatment facilities using biological processes to biodegrade waste has been increasing over the years. These installations receive municipal and industrial organic wastes with the common main goal of ...

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