Using fire to revive a fragmented prairie landscape

Although fire can kill some plants, many plants need fires to survive and flower. Entire habitats like tallgrass prairie depend on fires, which historically burned across thousands of acres of grasslands in North America ...

Scientists study how a diabetes drug affects soils

The transport of pharmaceuticals released from sewage treatment plants into farmland soils, with the potential to load into drinking water sources, is one that researchers at the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) ...

PFAS found in blood of dogs, horses living near Fayetteville, NC

In a new study, researchers from North Carolina State University detected elevated PFAS levels in the blood of pet dogs and horses from Gray's Creek, N.C.—including dogs that only drank bottled water. The work establishes ...

Novel air filter captures wide variety of pollutants

An air filter made out of corn protein instead of petroleum products can concurrently capture small particulates as well as toxic chemicals like formaldehyde that current air filters can't.

How heart failure disrupts the cell's mitochondria

Chronic heart failure causes the cell's powerhouses to malfunction, in part due to overconsumption of an important intermediary compound in energy production. Supplementing the diet to compensate for this could prove a promising ...

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