One crop, two ways, multiple benefits

Nitrogen fixation is one of the best examples of cooperation in nature. Soil microbes - naturally occurring bacteria in the soil - work with plants to pull nitrogen from the air. They turn the nitrogen into a form the plant ...

Bond gene in fruit flies controls fertility of rival males

For many animals, pheromones, which are chemical cues used for communication, guide important decisions such as whom to mate and whom to fight. New research from scientists at the University of Hawai'i - Mānoa's (UHM) Pacific ...

Bringing high tech to soil research

2015 is the International Year of the Soils. Healthy soils are vital to sustainable food systems, clean lakes, verdant forests, and the health of our planet. In honour of the occasion, we offer you a profile of a scientist ...

The supply chain in farming – do we count all the assets?

Most people understand the idea of a supply chain so that, for example, to make a car you need many thousands of different car components for assembly at the factory. If any of those components are no longer available, there ...

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