Canadian farmers trust regulated dairy industry

Canada's response to the "milk wars" in the United States in the 1970s was to establish a supply management system that both protects and restricts the income of its dairy farmers. A University of Illinois study examined ...

Using ground covers in organic production

Studies by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists indicate that organic farmers who need to periodically amend their soils with compost after planting can still control weeds -- and hold down costs -- by using fabric ...

Cover crop prevents weeds, protects soil

Organic farmers have to make hard choices between protecting soil from erosion and controlling weeds. For example, large-scale organic farming relies heavily on tillage. Tilling breaks up the soil to kill weeds and prepare ...

New knowledge could combat fly strike in sheep

( -- Research at Victoria University could contribute to new treatments for the costly and sometimes fatal condition of fly strike in sheep.

'Wwoofing' teaches urbanites countryside ways

Making the switch from urban life to rural bliss is not easy. Luckily for city slicker Nathalie, whose dream is to open a countryside bed and breakfast, her "wwoofing" experience on a French farm will give her the skills ...

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