Nanotech process makes heat-resistant dyes

You may have heard about the hazards posed by pranksters who shine laser pointers at airplanes during takeoff or landing. One way to keep those beams of concentrated light from blinding pilots is to incorporate a special ...

New cell component important to tea and wine-making

Scientists have discovered where plants build tannins, complex chemicals used by plants for defence and protection. The source is the tannosome, a newly discovered organelle that is found in most land plants.

Capturing light in an efficient dye trap

Chemical compounds that can efficiently capture and convert light energy are in high demand as key components of inexpensive solar cells and advanced optical sensors. Carbon-based organic dyes are particularly strong candidates ...

Home-grown electricity

Buildings may soon be able to generate their own electricity from roofs, walls, windows – even benchtops – that come with in-built solar power capabilities.

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