Spinning CDs to clean sewage water

Audio CDs, all the rage in the '90s, seem increasingly obsolete in a world of MP3 files and iPods, leaving many music lovers with the question of what to do with their extensive compact disk collections. While you could turn ...

Nanosponge filters out herbicide poisons

(Phys.org)—New research has demonstrated the potential of a new kind of nanomaterial to filter out environmental toxins in water.

In tackling lead pollution, fungi may be our friends

Fungi may be unexpected allies in our efforts to keep hazardous lead under control. That's based on the unexpected discovery that fungi can transform lead into its most stable mineral form. The findings reported online on ...

Countering contamination for Mars spacesuits

To search for life on Mars, future astronauts would naturally want to step outside their living habitat for a walk. But the spacesuits keeping them alive might also carry Earth microbes or ingredients of life that could contaminate ...

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