Researchers find some cider makers add unneeded sugar

It's the holiday season and the time of year when there are plenty of libations at nearly every event and or celebration. However, you may not be aware of all the ingredients in your favorite libation, especially if that ...

More flowers around apple orchards can yield higher harvest

Apple growers should increase the amount of flowers around their apple orchards if they want to increase their harvest. A new study by researchers from Stockholm University, among others, shows that more pollinators, such ...

An old insect pest reemerges in organic orchards

The apple flea weevil, a sporadic insect pest in the early 1900s, has reemerged as a severe pest in organic apple orchards in Michigan, where outbreak population levels have been observed since 2008, and damage has resulted ...

Apple's iPhone X hits Asia stores as profits soar

Apple's flagship iPhone X hit stores in Asia Friday, as the world's most valuable company predicted bumper sales despite the handset's eye-watering price tag and celebrated a surge in profits.

Jobs appears closer to returning to work at Apple

(AP) -- Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs appears to be a step closer to returning to work, as a doctor gave him an "excellent prognosis" after receiving a liver transplant at a Tennessee hospital.

Memphis hospital confirms Jobs liver transplant

(AP) -- Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs has an "excellent prognosis" after receiving a liver transplant at a Tennessee hospital, a doctor confirmed Tuesday.

Hard cider, with a shot of sugar

Autumn is the season for falling leaves, pumpkin-spice-flavored everything and apple cider. Yet new research indicates that, in addition to alcohol, some hard ciders may contain a hefty dose of added sugar, which may not ...

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