Related topics: sepsis

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Cryogenic damage has long presented a significant barrier to effective organ preservation, posing challenges to advancements in transplantation and medical treatments. The formation of ice crystals during freezing can compromise ...

How heart failure disrupts the cell's mitochondria

Chronic heart failure causes the cell's powerhouses to malfunction, in part due to overconsumption of an important intermediary compound in energy production. Supplementing the diet to compensate for this could prove a promising ...

Killer Japanese fungus found in Australia

One of the world's deadliest fungi has been discovered in Australia's far north for the first time—thousands of miles from its native habitat in the mountains of Japan and Korea.

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Robots may receive urine-powered artificial 'hearts'

( —It's a first: researchers have built the first artificial-heart-like pump that is powered by microbial fuel cells fed on human urine. But instead of being used as a prosthetic device for human patients suffering ...

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Organ failure

Organ failure is a condition where an organ does not perform its expected function.

It is not a diagnosis. It can be classified by the cause, but when the cause is not known, it can also be classified by whether the onset is chronic or acute.

Multiple organ failure can be associated with sepsis.

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