Baboons prefer dining with friends

Mealtimes can be a fraught business for the wild baboons of the Namib Desert. There's little food about, which means they have to share. Unsurprisingly, skirmishes often break out.

Orangutans bite back

( -- Life as a seed isn't easy: you need to be tough enough to deter all but the most muscular-jawed predators but no so hard that you can't germinate.

Orangutan copy cats (w/ Video)

You know the saying "monkey see, monkey do?" How about "orangutan see, orangutan do?" If that holds true, the small orangutan peering over his mother's shoulder in an enclosure at Zoo Atlanta should learn how to get a tasty ...

German scientists discover rare ape species in Asia

German scientists said on Tuesday they had discovered a new rare and endangered ape species in the tropical rainforests between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia by its distinctive song.

New research suggests orangutans not so solitary

(AP) -- When British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace arrived in Borneo's jungles 150 years ago, one of his great hopes was to see orangutans. Even he was surprised at his success, spotting the red apes feeding along river ...

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