Hall effect becomes viscous in graphene

Researchers at The University of Manchester in the UK have discovered that the Hall effect—a phenomenon well known for more than a century—is no longer as universal as it was thought to be.

'Dark plasmons' transmit energy

Microscopic channels of gold nanoparticles have the ability to transmit electromagnetic energy that starts as light and propagates via "dark plasmons," according to researchers at Rice University.

How graphene and friends could harness the Sun's energy

(Phys.org) —Combining wonder material graphene with other stunning one-atom thick materials could create the next generation of solar cells and optoelectronic devices, scientists have revealed.

Graphene could yield cheaper optical chips

Graphene—which consists of atom-thick sheets of carbon atoms arranged hexagonally—is the new wonder material: Flexible, lightweight and incredibly conductive electrically, it's also the strongest material known to man.

Photonics: Graphene boosts on-chip light detectors

The fabrication of high-performance light detectors—important for computers and mobile devices—using graphene integrated onto a chip is reported in three independent studies published online this week in Nature Photonics.

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