Uber pulls back on valuation with IPO pricing

Uber pulled back on its ambitious valuation target Friday for its Wall Street debut, while still pricing its share offering in a range that would make it one of the largest in recent years in the tech sector.

Stock options worth more for women, senior managers, study finds

A novel new way of determining the value of employee stock options has yielded some surprising insights: Options granted to woman and senior managers are worth more because they hold them longer. And options that vest annually ...

Overconfident CEOs are more likely to get sued

Chief executives with big public personae ooze confidence. They are widely celebrated as innovative, forward-thinking, and value-creating, willing to take risks and make unconventional decisions. But what if they are too ...

Apple Pay comes to Costco, but Walmart remains a holdout

Corrections & Clarifications: A previous version of this article misidentified who gets a cut of the transactions if Walmart joined Apple Pay. The banks used through the Apple Pay app would receive a 0.15 percent cut.

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