Related topics: light

Insect eyes inspire improved solar cells

( -- The eyes of moths, which allow them to see well at night, are also covered with a water-repellent, antireflective coating that makes their eyes among the least reflective surfaces in nature and helps them ...

NTT develops current-injection photonic-crystal laser

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation has developed an current-injection photonic-crystal laser with ultralow power consumption that can be applied to off-chip and on-chip optical data transmission for microprocessors.

'Smart' bandage emits phosphorescent glow for healing below

Inspired by a desire to help wounded soldiers, an international, multidisciplinary team of researchers led by Assistant Professor Conor L. Evans at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) ...

A high-resolution endoscope as thin as a human hair

Engineers at Stanford have demonstrated a high-resolution endoscope that is as thin as a human hair with a resolution four times better than previous devices of similar design. The so-called micro-endoscope is a significant ...

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