Related topics: light

New imaging method reveals nanoscale details about DNA

Researchers have developed a new enhanced DNA imaging technique that can probe the structure of individual DNA strands at the nanoscale. Since DNA is at the root of many disease processes, the technique could help scientists ...

Fur and feathers keep animals warm by scattering light

In work that has major implications for improving the performance of building insulation, scientists at the University of Namur in Belgium and the University of Hassan I in Morocco have calculated that hairs that reflect ...

New solar concentrator design (w/ Video)

A new solar concentrator design from an electrical engineering Ph.D. student at the University of California, San Diego could lead to solar concentrators that are less expensive and require fewer photovoltaic cells than existing ...

New LED streetlight design curbs light pollution

Streetlights illuminate the night, shining upon roadways and sidewalks across the world, but these ubiquitous elements of the urban environment are notoriously inefficient and major contributors to light pollution that washes ...

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Optics Express

Optics Express is a peer-reviewed rapid-publication scientific, electronic journal published by the Optical Society of America. It reports on all fields of optical science and technology. The journal is free. The costs are paid by the authors of the published articles.

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