Major advance in understanding how nanowires form

New insights into why and how nanowires take the form they do will have profound implications for the development of future electronic components. PhD student Peter Krogstrup from the Nano-Science Center at the Niels Bohr ...

Nanotubes behave as optical antennae

( -- Just as walkie-talkies transmit and receive radio waves, carbon nanotubes can transmit and receive light at the nanoscale, Cornell researchers have discovered.

Optical surface states in magnetophotonic crystals

Using state of the art microfabrication technology to create periodic structures with high accuracy, Dr Baryshev and colleagues at the Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, report the existence of so-called optical surface ...

Futuristic computing designs inside beetle scales

( -- Though it began as a science fair project involving a shiny Brazilian beetle, Lauren Richey’s research may advance the pursuit of ultra-fast computers that manipulate light rather than electricity.

Absorbing Hydrogen Fluoride Gas to Enhance Crystal Growth

( -- Two scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have developed a method to control the buildup of hydrogen fluoride gas during the growth of precision crystals needed for ...

Small optical force can budge nanoscale objects

( -- Engineering researchers have used a very tiny beam of light with as little as 1 milliwatt of power to move a silicon structure up to 12 nanometers.

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