Researchers develop tuneable anti-counterfeiting material

Counterfeiters are becoming increasingly more sophisticated in forging everything from diplomas and currency to medications and artwork. While protective measures such as luminescent markings (which glow under ultraviolet ...

New tech enables deep tissue imaging during surgery

Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a state-of-the-art technique that captures and processes information across a given electromagnetic spectrum. Unlike traditional imaging techniques that capture light intensity at specific wavelengths, ...

Chaos Raman distributed optical fiber sensing

The timeliness and accuracy of detection technology is directly related to the safety of people's lives and property. In the application of this technology, temperature is a physical quantity that must to be focused on. Compared ...

Team boosts metropolitan quantum teleportation to hertz rate

Quantum teleportation allows quantum information to be transferred to a remote location by using quantum entanglement and classical communication. It has been achieved with varying rates of independent photons of quantum ...

Using optics to trace the flow of microplastics in oceans

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles less than 5 mm in diameter that have emerged as a novel marine environment pollutant. Microplastics usually result from a breakdown of larger plastic debris but can also be generated ...

Researchers create 2D quantum light source from layered materials

Recent advances in spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)-based quantum light sources based on two-dimensional layered materials have been made by a team led by Prof. Ren Xifeng from the University of Science and Technology ...

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